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BzoPets WordPress Theme Documentation

Table of Contents


We would like to thank you for purchasing BzoPets WordPress Theme. BzoPets is an elegant animal WooCommerce theme that is appropriate for pet stores, pet care, animal websites, specially for fish store website.

Before you begin, please be sure to go over this material. We layout a lot of useful information and provide you all the information you need to utilize the BzoPets Theme.
If you can’t find your solution in our documentation, please go through our WordPress Theme FAQs or contact us via the support page. We are delighted to assist you, and you will receive a response from us much sooner than you anticipated. Thank you for your interest in the BzoPets WordPress Theme; we hope you enjoy it!


WordPress Background Knowledge

You must have a functional version of WordPress installed in order to install this theme. Follow the instructions if you need assistance installing WordPress in WordPress Support.

Useful links for WordPress information.

  1. WordPress Codex – General info about WordPress and how to install on your server.
  2. First Steps With WordPress – General info about multiple topics about WordPress.
  3. FAQ New To WordPress – The most popular FAQ’s regarding WordPress.
Please go through our WordPress Theme FAQs page. You may find the solution for your issues there.


2.1. System Requirements

Please ensure that your hosting provider and website match the minimal criteria listed below before installing the theme:

To run BzoPets, we recommend your host and website support:

  1. Minimum requirements to run WordPress.
  2. Use the most recent version of WordPress.
  3. Always use strong passwords for FTP and databases.

Important Note about PHP Configuration:

You may encounter issues linked to low PHP configuration restrictions in a variety of situations, such as a white screen, demo material that fails to import, empty page content, and other similar concerns. The fix is to raise the PHP limitations. You may change this on your own by modifying the php.ini file in the root directory, or you can contact your web host and request that they increase those limitations to a bare minimum, as shown below.

  1. max_execution_time 360
  2. memory_limit 256M
  3. post_max_size 64M
  4. upload_max_filesize 64M

2.2. Theme Installation

Before installing BzoPets theme, you need to have a WordPress site that meets all the theme requirements and have the latest BzoPets theme package available in your computer.

There are 02 ways for you to upload the theme into your site: Upload theme via WordPress Admin and Upload theme via FTP. If the theme file size is larger than 8M, it should be uploaded via FTP.
WordPress Upload

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel of your site (i.e.
  2. Login to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Appearance > Theme and click Add New to add new theme.
  3. Click the Upload Theme button then Choose File and select BzoPets-theme-v1.0.0 file and click Install Now.
  4. It will take a few minutes to install the theme.
  5. After seeing the message Theme installed successfully, click on Activate, you can use BzoPets for your site.

FTP Upload

  1. Access your FTP client, such as FileZilla to start upload BzoPets theme.
  2. Navigate to the folder of your website (i.e. then upload and extract theme file BzoPets-theme-v1.0.0 to this directory. After that, you will have a theme folder named as BzoPets in your site’s directory.
  3. Login to the Admin Panel of your site (i.e. Go to Appearance > Themes to find BzoPets theme.
  4. After seeing BzoPets theme’s thumbnail, choose and click on Activate to install it in your site.

2.3. Plugin Installation

To ensure that the theme works properly and has all of its features, all of the essential plugins should be installed and enabled when the theme is installed.

  1. After activating the theme, select Install Plugins option in BzoPets theme details.
  2. Choose all of required plugins then select Install and click Apply.
  3. After successful installation, select option Return to Required Plugins Installer, select all of them then select Activate and click Apply.
  4. When activating the plugins successfully, you will see a message at the top of the page.

If you find that any plugin was not successfully installed when installation, please select each of them and install them one by one again. If your server does not allow automated installation, you must install them manually using plugins in the data/plugins folder.

2.4. One Click Demo Import

Importing demo data is the simplest method to get your theme up and running. Instead of creating content from scratch, you will be able to quickly edit everything. Just by some clicks, you will get a full website look exactly as same as our live demo.

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Appearance > Customize > Import demo content > Click to import demo content
  2. Choose option Import Demo Data > Continue & Import. In this step, you can select to install some recommended plugins from WordPress. You can skip to install these plugins for later.
  3. It can take a few minutes to import everything. Please wait until it is completed and do not refresh the page or hit the back button. Once it completes, you will see a Import Complete! message.

Note: After import the demo data, please do following cofigurations:

+ Set up Mailchimp as this instruction.

+ Setting Layout Elementor: Go to Edit with Elementor  ->  Site Setting  ->  Layout ->  Content Width  then set 1740 for desktop and 960 for tablet.

+ Set up titles and breadcrumb titles. Choose Shop Page: Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> General -> Shop Page

+ Set up Cart & Checkout Page. Choose Cart and Checkout Page: Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced

+ Set up WooCommerce Product Filter Widget. Go to WooCommerce -> Status -> Tool -> Select the options as below:


3.1. Global Configuration

This configuration includes all settings for BzoPets theme.

In Admin Dashboard, go to BZOTech Theme Options

Config Name Value Description
Body Background Color transparent Set background color for the body.
Theme Main Color #ff370f Set the color for the main theme.
Main Font Open Sans Set the main font family & font subsets for the theme.
Main Font Second Oswald Set the second font family & font subsets
Select Header Layout Header Set the header layout for the theme
Select Footer Layout Footer Set the footer layout for the theme
Blog – Blog Article
Blog Layout Articles
Articles – Left Sidebar
Articles – Right Sidebar
Set the layout for blog listing page.
Post Column 1-4 columns Select the number of column for blog listing page.
Blog Pagination Style Pagination number
Load More Button
Select the pagination style for blog listing page.
Short descriptions On/Off Show short description or not.
Read More On/Off Show Read More link or not.
Blog – Single Blog
Blog Single Layout Main Only
Left – Main Sidebar
Main – Right Sidebar
Set the layout for blog detail page.
Show Social Share On/Off Show Social share or not
“Addthis” Your Code Add code Add “Addthis” code for social share
Show Related Posts On/Off Show related post or not.
Number of Related Posts 6 Set the number of related post.
Columns of Related Posts 1-4 columns Set the number of column for related post.
WooCommerce Theme – Shop
Shop Layout Left Sidebar
Right Sidebar
No Sidebar
Set the layout for product listing page.
Archive Sidebar Sidebar Blog
Sidebar Default
Sidebar Shop
Sidebar Single Post
Select the sidebar for product listing page.
Number of Products Per Page 9 Set the number of products per page.
Product Columns 1-4 columns Set the number of product column.
Shop Pagination Style Pagination number
Load More Button
Select the pagination style for blog listing page.
WooCommerce Theme – Single Product
Select Single Product Layout Image Vertical
Image Full
Set the layout for product detail page.
Number of related products to show 6 Set the number of related product.
Related Products Columns 1-4 columns Set the number of column for related product.
HTML before Add To Cart button (Global) HTML Code Set the HMTL Code before Add to Cart button.
HTML after Add To Cart button (Global) HTML Code Set the HMTL Code after Add to Cart button.
Import Demo Content
Import Demo Content Click to import demo website.
Import/Export Options Import, export file

3.2. Homepage Configuration

To edit homepage, on the admin bar of the page, click on Edit with Elementor then you can edit the page elements with Elementor. Elementor provides Sections with Columns, then when you click on any element, the editor will show you where are you.

3.3. Theme Options

To access BzoPets Theme Options, please go to Appearance > Customize. There you can see logical tabs including:

General Config the theme body background color, theme main color, main color hover, font family
Header Config the theme header
Home page setting Options for background image for boxed layout
Blog Options for blog article and single blog
Footer Options for footer layout
WooCommerce Theme Options for shop and single product layouts
Import Demo Content Options for importing demo data
Site Identity Options for site identity
Color Options for the color
Header Image Options for header image
Background Image Options for background image
Menu Options for menu
Widgets Options for widgets
Homepage Setting Options for the homepage
WooCommerce Options to store notice, product catalog, product images, checkout
Additional CSS Options to add additional CSS
Import/Export Options to import or export theme option settings.

Theme options in detailed:


This option to configure body background color, theme main color, theme main color hover and font family.

  1. Body Background Color: Set background color for the site body. There is transparent option
  2. Theme Main Color: Set main color for the theme
  3. Theme Main Color Hover: Set main color when hover for the theme
  4. Font Family: Select font family
  5. Font Subsets: Select font subset


This option to configure header layout. Site logo also can be configured here.

  1. Select Header Layout: Select the layout header
  2. Upload logo: Upload site logo

Home page setting

This option allows you to upload background image for boxed layout. Upload any media using the WordPress native uploader.


Blog Article: Select layout for blog listing page: Articles without sidebar, articles with left sidebar, article with right sidebar; Blog archive sidebar; set number of post column; Show short description, read more or not.

Single Blog: Select layout for single blog page with sidebar or not; Turn On/Off: social share, post comments, related posts; Set the number of related posts and columns of related posts.



This option for selecting footer layout.

WooCommerce Theme

Config layout for shop page and single product page.

Shop: Select shop layout, sidebar layout; Set the number of product per page, product column.

Single Product: Select single product layout; Set the number of related products, related product columns; HTML code.

Import Demo Content

This option allows to import demo website data.

Site Identity

  1. Logo: Change site logo
  2. Site Title: Set the title for site
  3. Tagline: Set the tagline for site
  4. Site Icon: Change site icon that display in browser tabs…

Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps.


Easily change the header text color and background color by color picker or input the color code.

  1. Header Text Color: Select color for header text
  2. Background Color: Select color for background

Header Image

This option allows you to upload image for header. Click “Add new image” to upload an image file from your computer. Leave it blank if you do not use.

Background Image

This option allows you to upload background image. Leave it blank if you do not use.


This panel is used for managing navigation menus for content you have already published on your site. You can create menus and add items for existing content such as pages, posts, categories, tags, formats, or custom links.

  1. Menu: Manage all the available menu on the website. You can add/remove menu items here.
  2. Menu Location: Select which menu appears in each location.

There is an option to automatically add new top-level pages to the menu.


Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into widgetized areas provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars).

  1. Footer column 1: Customize the 1st column on footer
  2. Footer column 2: Customize the 2nd column on footer
  3. Footer column 3: Customize the 3rd column on footer
  4. Footer column 4: Customize the 4th column on footer

Homepage Settings

In this option, you can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. It can be posts in reverse chronological order (classic blog), or a fixed/static page.

  1. Your homepage displays: Your latest post/A static page
  2. Homepage: Select the page to display if you select A static page.
  3. Posts page: Page to display your posts


In this option, you can config the store notice, product catalog, product image size and checkout fields.

  1. Store Notice: If enabled, this text will be shown site-wide. You can use it to show events or promotions to visitors!
  2. Product Catalog: Choose what to display on the main shop page, product category pages and sorting products.
  3. Product Images: Set image size for the main image on the single product pages and image size used for products in the catalog.
  4. Checkout: These options let you change the appearance of the WooCommerce checkout.

Additional CSS

Add your own CSS code here to customize the appearance and layout of your site.

When using a keyboard to navigate:

  • In the editing area, the Tab key enters a tab character.
  • To move away from this area, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key.
  • Screen reader users: when in forms mode, you may need to press the Esc key twice.


This option allows site owner to export the customization setting to a file or import customization setting by uploading a file.


3.4. Other Configurations

3.4.1. Header, Footer Elementor

In Admin Dashboard, go to BZOTech Blocks -> select Header & Footer -> Edit with Elementor

3.4.2. Mega Menu

Create Mega Menu with Elementor

In Admin Dashboard, go to BZOTech Blocks -> Add New -> Edit with Elementor

Select mega menu for each Menu

In Admin Dashboard, go to Appearence -> Menus -> Menu structure.

Get short-code to use in Menu structure HERE.

3.4.3. Swatch Variations Setting

In Admin Dashboard, go to GetWooPlugins -> Swatches Settings

3.4.4. Setting Contact Form for Contact page

In Admin Dashboard, go to Contact -> Contact Form

3.4.5. Setting Load more & Filters for Shop page

Load more

In Admin Dashboard, go to BeRocket -> Load More Products -> select Products Loading Type & other configs -> Save


In Admin Dashboard, go to BeRocket -> Product Filters -> Filters -> Add Filter -> Config Filter fields -> Save

3.4.6. Setting Wishlist, Compare, Quickview


In Admin Dashboard, go to YITH -> Wishlist -> config "Add to wishlist options" & "Wishlist page options"


In Admin Dashboard, go to YITH -> Compare -> config "General Settings" & "Table Settings"

Quick View

In Admin Dashboard, go to YITH -> Quick View -> General Options

3.4.7. Setting Instagram Feed

In Admin Dashboard, go to Instagram Feed -> All Feeds -> +Add New -> User Timeline -> Next -> + Add Source -> Login Instagram

3.4.8. HTML before Add to cart Setting

In Admin Dashboard, go to BZOTech Blocks -> Before Add to cart button -> Edit with Elementor

Copy shortcode to Single Product setting: Go to BZOTech Theme Options -> WooCommerce Theme -> Single Product

3.4.9. Social Share Single Post

In Admin Dashboard, go to BZOTech Theme Options -> Blog -> Single Blog

3.4.10. Setting Multi Language

In Admin Dashboard, go to Weglot -> Main configuration

3.4.11. Setting Currency

In Admin Dashboard, go to WooCommerce -> Setting -> Currency

3.4.12. Setting Customer Reviews for WooCommerce

In Admin Dashboard, go to Reviews -> Setting


Knowledge Base

Before filing a new support ticket, please follow the steps below to assist us expedite your request. This is for everyone’s advantage and will assist to make the entire process more efficient. It’s critical, and we ask that everyone to these guidelines.

Read the item documentation first:

The documentation covers all the item setting and configuration. You may find the solution for your issues here.

Important considerations for your website:

  • Runs the most recent version of the item and validate all Theme Requirements.
  • Disable any other third-party plugins you may be using to see whether this resolves the issue.
  • Clear and deactivate all caches, including browser, plugin, and server caches.

To open a support ticket for the item on our HELP CENTER, choose the Department and then provide the order ID in the ticket and submit. Please keep in mind that providing us with information about your website and some screenshots of the problem will make it simpler for us to answer your query and assist you more quickly.

DO NOT REPLY TO THE TICKET VIA THE EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Any responses sent via this no-reply-email may be overlooked since our support team was unable to view them.
If you have any problems with the ticket system, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance. However, the first option is more convenient and makes it easy for both of us to monitor the problems.

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