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BzoSmart Magento 2 Theme Documentation

Navigation of Contents


We would like to thank you for purchasing BzoSmart Magento 2 Theme. BzoSmart is a beautiful Magento 2 theme specially designed for eCommerce sites that serve a variety kind of products.

Before you begin, please be sure to go over this material. We layout a lot of useful information and provide you all the information you need to utilize the BzoSmart Magento 2 Theme. Only Magento 2.4.x may be used with BzoSmart, and we expect you already have Magento installed and ready to go.

If you can’t find your solution in our documentation, please contact us via the support page. We are delighted to assist you, and you will receive a response from us much sooner than you anticipated. Thank you for your interest in the BzoSmart Magento 2 Theme; we hope you enjoy it!

Magento Information

BzoSmart theme is fully compatible with Magento Community Edition version 2.4.x. You must already have a functional version of Magento installed in order to install this theme. If you need assistance installing Magento, check out the resources and tutorials listed below from magento.com; hopefully, you’ll find what you need.


2.1. Prepare Installation


It’s very important to backup all of themes and extensions in Magento before installation, especially when you are working on a live server. We strongly recommend you to do not omit this step.

We recommend you to duplicate your live store on a development store and try installation on it in advance.

Backup Magento files and the store database.

Disable all cache related section that you have in your Magento .

2.2. Theme Installation

Step 1: Download the All files & documentation package on Themeforest and extract it.

Step 2: Upload 'bzotech-bzosmart-theme-m2.4.x-v1.0.0' to the root of your Magento site folder on your server, after that unzip by command unzip name_file.zip.

Step 3: Go to root magento folder, run commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

If you are using Magento Production mode, run the command:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Permissions for the following folders by run these commands:
chmod -R 777 pub
chmod -R 777 generated
chmod -R 777 var

Step 4: Set BzoSmart Theme for your store: in Content > Design > Configuration > Edit Default Store > Select BzoTech - Bzosmart Theme theme and click "Save Configuration" button to save your changes.

Step 5: Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > BZOTECH.COM > BZOSmart Theme Configuration > Theme Installation. Press the buttons named 'Static Blocks' and 'Pages' to import all default blocks and pages.

  • Static Blocks – Click Import Static Blocks to create all static blocks provided with this theme.
  • Overwrite Existing Blocks – If set to “Yes”, imported blocks will overwrite existing blocks with the same identifiers (if any blocks with the same identifiers already exist). To change value of this field, save the configuration (without saving, the option will remain unchanged after you refresh the page).
  • Static Pages – Click Import Pages to create CMS pages provided with this theme.
  • Overwrite Existing Pages – If set to “Yes”, imported pages will overwrite existing pages with the same identifiers (if any pages with the same identifiers already exist). To change value of this field, save the configuration (without saving, the option will remain unchanged after you refresh the page).

Step 6: Choose demo you want to use and click to install.

Step 7: Click 'Save config' button on the top.

Step 8: Flush Cache

After successfully import your demo, save Theme Settings and Design Settings and clear the cache by using this command as php bin/magento cache:flush in Command Prompt. Or you can go to System > Tools > Cache Management, click Flush Cache Storage button to flush all the cache.

Step 9: Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > BZOTECH.COM > Theme Core Configuration > Save Config

Step 10: Flush Cache again

After successfully import your demo, save Theme Settings and Design Settings and clear the cache by using this command as php bin/magento cache:flush in Command Prompt. Or you can go to System > Tools > Cache Management, click Flush Cache Storage button to flush all the cache.

2.3. Quickstart Installation

Supposing that you’ve just started building a Magento store, you can choose this solution to install demo store with all the sample data (as same as our live demo) and follow the instruction below.

Step 1: Download the All files & documentation package on Themeforest and extract it.

Step 2: Upload package 'bzotech-bzosmart-quickstart-m2.4.x-v1.0.0' to your website folder. You can use a FTP software such as FileZilla or Cpanel to upload.

Step 3: Extract file 'bzotech-bzosmart-quickstart-m2.4.x-v1.0.0' to your website folder where Magento is installed by this command unzip file.zip

Step 4: Create new database and import database sample. You can use database management tool such as phpMyAdmin to do this step

      • Open your Browse and go to your phpMyAdmin or database management tool.
      • Create database:
      • Import database sample_data.sql under the folder bzotech-bzosmart-quickstart-m2.4.x-v1.0.0data_quickstart
Note:You can import database by run this command mysql -u root -p database_name < sample_data.sql
After that please go to folder root and run these command to permissions:

chmod -R 777 pub
chmod -R 777 generated
chmod -R 777 var

Step 5: Install Magento

This example assumes that the Magento install directory is named bzosmart, the db-host is on the same machine (localhost), and that the db-name, db-user, and db-password are all magento_bzotech:

php bin/magento setup:install –base-url=http://yourdomain/pub/ –base-url-secure=https://yourdomain/pub/ –db-name=magento_bzotech –db-host=localhost –db-user=USER –db-password=USER_PASSWORD –admin-firstname=admin –admin-lastname=admin –[email protected] –admin-user=admin –admin-password=YOUR_PASSWORD –language=en_US –currency=USD –timezone=America/Chicago –use-rewrites=1 –backend-frontname=”admin” –search-engine=elasticsearch7 –elasticsearch-index-prefix=SEARCH_PREFIX

Messages similar to the following display to indicate a successful installation:

Post installation file permissions check…
For security, remove write permissions from these directories: ‘/var/www/html/bzotheme/magento/bzosmart/app/etc’
[Progress: 274 / 274]
[SUCCESS]: Magento installation complete.
[SUCCESS]: Admin Panel URI: /admin_puu71q

Note: You can customize the Admin URI with the --backend-frontname option. However, we recommend omitting this option and allowing the installation command to automatically generate a random URI. A random URI is harder for hackers or malicious software to exploit. The URI displays in your console when installation is complete.

Step 6: In case you can’t login to admin panel

When you login to admin will be display like this: You need to configure Two-Factor Authorization in order to proceed to your store’s admin area. An e-mail was sent to you with further instruction. Please open file app/etc/config.php and change Magento_TwoFactorAuth' => 1 to Magento_TwoFactorAuth' => 0

After that run these command:

1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade

2. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

3. php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Step 7: Finally, permissions for the following folders by run these commands:

chmod -R 777 pub
chmod -R 777 generated
chmod -R 777 var
Note: When install the quickstart package, it only allows to select 1 currency. To display the currency as the demo, after installing you have to go to the backend to config.


3.1. Homepage Configuration

3.1.1. Set Default Page

To configure the default home page for your store, please go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > General > Web > Default Pages tab, select Home Page as the default page and save configuration.

You must switch to the website / shop view you wish to alter (the dropdown menu in the upper left corner). If you want something other than your default home page, you’ll probably have to build a new CMS page.

3.1.2. Edit Homepage

Step 1: Please to go CONTENT > Elements > Pages > Home Demo 01 > Select Action Edit.

Step 2: Edit the Content, SEO information, Page in Websites and Design for the homepage.

Step 3: After configuring, click 'Save' to save all your configs.

3.2. Theme Core Configuration

In Admin Dashboard, navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > BZOTECH.COM > Theme Core Configuration and configure its settings as you want.

3.2.1. General Options

Config Name Value Description
Primary Color
Theme Color Ex: F73312 Set theme color
Text On Theme Color Ex: FFFFFF Set color for text on theme color
Link On Theme Color Ex: FFFFFF Set color for link on theme color
Link Hover On Theme Color Ex: FFFFFF Set color for link when hover on theme color
Body Font
Main Font Select options Select main font for your site
Google Font Links Input data Input the font link that does not have in the list
Google Font Family Input data Input the font family. EX: ‘Roboto’, sans-serif
Google Font Weight Input data Set font weight
Font Size Value in px Set font size in pixel
Link Color Value Input the color value or use color picker to set color for link
Hover Link Color Value Input the color value or use color picker to set color for link on hover
Text Color Value Input the color value or use color picker to set color for text
Background Color Value Input the color value or use color picker to set color for the background
Use Background Image Yes/No Use background image or not
Element Google Font
Enable Element Google Font Yes/No Enable Google Font or not
Sticky Menu Yes/No Enable sticky menu or not
Mobile Layout (Responsive)
Logo Select the logo on responsive layout
Logo Mobile Width Value Set width for logo image
Logo Mobile Height Value Set height for logo image

3.2.2. Theme Layout

Config Name Value Description
Max Width Ex: 1400px Set max width for your store in pixel or percentage.

3.2.3. Home Page


Config Name Value Description
Background Color Ex: FFFFFF Set background color for the homepage
Show Dropdown Vertical Menu Yes/No Show the Dropdown Vertical Menu or not

3.2.4. Product Listing

We provide a customizable grid system that includes layouts for one column, two columns, and three columns. You may adjust the number of each product per row to fit each screen.

3.2.5. Product Detail

Config Name Value Description
Image Box
Thumbs Styles Horizontal
Select thumb style that you want.
Enable Loop Yes/No Choose “Yes” to repeat your loop.
Enable Keyboard Trigger Yes/No Choose “Yes/No” to “Enable/Disable” keyboard trigger feature.
Show Navigation Yes/No Choose “Yes/No” to “Show/Hide” navigation.
Enable Popup Fullscreen Yes/No Choose “Yes” to show full screen popup when you mouse click on the product detail.
Thumbs Width Value in px Set thumb width in px. Value from 40 to 150px
Thumbs Height Value in px Set thumb height in px. Value from 40 to 150px.
Show Thumbs Navigation Yes/No Choose “Yes/No” to “Show/Hide” thumb navigation.
Thumbs Margin Value from 1-30 Distance between the thumb images.
Thumbs Border Active Width Value from 1-5 You can change width of thumb border when active.
Breakpoints Value in px Breakpoints are used to set up the screen width at which the design of thumbnails changes.
Enable Product Image Zoom Yes/No Enable image zoom or not.
Zoom Width Container Value in px Set width for container when enable product image zoom.
Related – Upsell Product
Margin Value Distance between products.
Autoplay Yes/No Enable/disable auto play.
Loop Yes/No Enable/disable auto play loop.
Navigation Yes/No Show or hide navigation.
Dots Yes/No Show or hide dots when enable navigation option.
Mouse Drag Yes/No Allow drag by mouse or not
Touch Drag Yes/No Allow drag by touch or not
Number columns on max screen… Set the number of column on each screen size.
Tab Style Horizontal
Select tab style types that you want.
Show Custom Tab Yes/No Select “Yes”, you can change name and add content for Custom Tab.
Custom Tab Name Yes/No Change the custom tab title
Custom Tab Content Yes/No Add content for custom tab.
Sticky Add to Cart / Tabs
Show Sticky Bar Yes/No Enable/disable sticky add to cart and tabs
Buy Now Button
Buy Now Button Yes/No Enable/disable buy now button for product

3.2.6. Advanced

Config Name Value Description
Back To Top
Show Back to Top Yes/No Enable/disable back to top icon
Change Product Image On Hover Yes/No Change product image when hover or not
Show Add to Cart Yes/No Show or hide add to cart
Show Add to Wishlist Yes/No Show or hide add to wish list
Show Add to Compare Yes/No Show or hide add to compare
Show New Label Yes/No Show or hide New label
Show Sale Label Yes/No Show or hide Sale label
Show Discount Percent Yes/No Show or hide discount percentage
Custom Copyright
Enable Custom Copyright Yes/No Show or hide site copyright information
Copyright Set the copyright information
Enable Custom CSS Yes/No Enable/disable Custom Css
Enable Custom JS Yes/No Enable/disable Custom Javascript
Lazy loading
Enable Page Loading Yes/No Enable/disable lazy load for page
Enable Image Loading Yes/No Enable/disable lazy load for image.

3.3. BZOSmart Theme Configuration

3.3.1. Theme Layout

Config Name Value Description
Right To Left Layout Yes/No Enable/disable RTL layout
Header Style Header Style 1 Select header style
Footer Style Footer Style 1 Select footer style
Product Style
Product Style Product Style 1 Select product style

3.3.2. Theme Installation

Config Name Value Description
Import Static Blocks
Static Blocks By clicking this button, you can import all static blocks that are used for our demo site.
Overwrite Existing Blocks Yes/No If set to “Yes”, imported blocks will overwrite existing blocks with the same identifiers
Import Pages
Pages By clicking this button, you can import all pages that are used for our demo site.
Overwrite Existing Pages Yes/No If set to “Yes”, imported pages will overwrite existing pages with the same identifiers
Import Demos
Demo 1 Click “Demo X” button to install demo version that you prefer to install.
After import Demo, click “Save Config” button and refresh cache.

3.4. Extensions Configuration

3.4.1. Product Tabs

Magento 2 Product Tabs extension allows you to listing your products in tabs by variety criteria, increasing the usability of your business. The Magento 2 extension supports listing products according to tabs by categories or product fields in Slider or Load More type.


Go to STORES -> Setting -> Configuration -> BZOTECH.COM -> Product Tabs



Config Name Value Description
General Options
Enable Extensions Enable/Disable Enable extension or not
Title Set value Set module title
Type Show Slider/Loadmore Set the type show
Type Listing All/Only Deals/Under Price Set type of products to show on listing
Show Countdown Timer Yes/No Show countdown timer or not
Source Options
Filter Type Categories/Fields Products Filter product according to categories or fields products
Select Categories Multi select allowed Choose categories if select Filter Type as Categories
Order By Name/Id/Date Created/Price… Order products by: name, id, date created, price…
Ordering Direction Desc/Asc Set order direction
Product Limitation Set value Limit the number of products to show
Slider Configuration
Margin Value Distance between products.
Autoplay Yes/No Enable/disable auto play.
Loop Yes/No Enable/disable auto play loop.
Navigation Yes/No Show or hide navigation.
Dots Yes/No Show or hide dots when enable navigation option.
Mouse Drag Yes/No Allow drag by mouse or not
Touch Drag Yes/No Allow drag by touch or not
Number columns on max screen… Set the number of column on each screen size.

3.4.2 Ajax Cart


Go to STORES -> Setting -> Configuration -> BZOTECH.COM -> Ajax Cart

Config Name Value Description
Enable Extensions Enable/Disable Enable or disable the extension
Select Type Quick View & Ajax Cart
Quick View
Ajax Cart
Quick View & Ajax Cart/Quick View/ Ajax Cart
Quick View Text Set text for quick view
Countdown Number In second Time to close the confirm box after add to cart
Element Links Link to new page

3.4.3. Categories

Magento 2 Categories extension will be a perfect solution if you’re seeking for a style to display your categories and sub-categories on your website. Categories Magento 2 extension is a smart extension that allows you to present your categories and sub-categories in the most attractive manner possible on homepage or any page. View detail HERE.

Go to STORES -> Setting -> Configuration -> BZOTECH.COM -> Categires

Config Name Value Description
SubCategories Limit Value The number of subcategories to show
Display Parent Image Yes/No Show/hide parent category’s image
Display Product Count Yes/No Show/hide product count for parent category
Category Product Listing
Display SubCategories on category page Yes/No Display/hide subcategories on category page
Display Child Image Yes/No Show/hide subcategories image
Display Product Count Yes/No Show/hide the product count for subcategories

3.4.4. Megamenu

Magento 2 Mega Menu extension allows you to create an elegant effective menu for your online store without having to know much how to code. It helps to improve customer shopping experience by displaying menus clearly and flexibly, making it easy for customers to find the categories, links they need, or products and links that shop owners want to show. Magento 2 Mega Menu module offers flexible navigation, without requiring you to have programming skills. View detail HERE.

Go to STORES -> Setting -> Configuration -> BZOTECH.COM -> Mega Menu


Config Name Value Description
Primary / Secondary Configuration
Menu Type Horizontal/Vertical Select the menu type: Horizontal/Vertical
Primary Menu
Title Enable/Disable Show menu title or not
Limit Value The number of the item to show. If the item’s number is larger or less than “Limit”, it will show Show more / Show less button
Item Text Style Inherit
Select item text style
Item Text Weight Bold/ Normal Set item text as bold or normal
Item Center Yes/No Align center or not
Secondary Menu
Item Text Weight Bold/Normal Set item text as bold or normal
Item Center Yes/No Align center or not

3.4.5. Popup Login

Magento Popup Login Extension is a free Magento 2 extension that supports simple form in a popup then users are able to register, login or reset password just in a few clicks. You can download it HERE.

Go to STORES -> Setting -> Configuration -> BZOTECH.COM -> Popup Login


Config Name Value Description
Enable Popup Login Yes/No Enable or disable the extension
Logo Set the logo for popup window
After Logging in, redirect Customer to Current Page… Select the redirect page after successfully logging
Popup Type Modal
Select popup type

3.4.6. Popup Content

Go to STORES -> Setting -> Configuration -> BZOTECH.COM -> Popup Content

Config Name Value Description
Enable Popup Content Yes/No Enable popup or not
Popup Width Value Set width for popup
Time Delay value Set delay time for popup in milliseconds
Show only for Home page Yes/No Enable popup only on homepage or not
Display Popup again Yes/No If yes, the popup will display again when switching to another page.
Transparent Background Yes/No Set transparent background or not
Popup Content
Content Input content Set content for the popup


Knowledge Base

Before filing a new support ticket, please follow the steps below to assist us expedite your request. This is for everyone’s advantage and will assist to make the entire process more efficient. It’s critical, and we ask that everyone to these guidelines.

Read the item documentation first:

The documentation covers all the item setting and configuration. You may find the solution for your issues here.

Important considerations for your website:

  • Runs the most recent version of the item and validate all Theme Requirements.
  • Disable any other third-party plugins you may be using to see whether this resolves the issue.
  • Clear and deactivate all caches, including browser, plugin, and server caches.

To open a support ticket for the item on our HELP CENTER, choose the Department and then provide the order ID in the ticket and submit. Please keep in mind that providing us with information about your website and some screenshots of the problem will make it simpler for us to answer your query and assist you more quickly.

DO NOT REPLY TO THE TICKET VIA THE EMAIL NOTIFICATION. Any responses sent via this no-reply-email may be overlooked since our support team was unable to view them.
If you have any problems with the ticket system, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance. However, the first option is more convenient and makes it easy for both of us to monitor the problems.

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