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How To Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success Holidays

How To Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success Holidays

The holiday season is approaching, when the holiday is approaching, Prepare Your WordPress Site for Success Holidays is the key to ensuring your site operates stably and effectively. And this is the time that many businesses want to enjoy the worthy holidays. However, with a WordPress website, keeping everything operating smoothly while you and the team are resting are a significant challenge. How do your site still operate effectively, well and ensure the experience for customers without having to keep it on duty continuously? This article will share ways for you to prepare for your WordPress site to work smoothly during the vacation, so you can safely enjoy the rest time without worrying about interrupted websites.

How To Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success Holidays? 

1/ Schedule for the article

In case you do not know, WordPress has an integrated feature that allows you to schedule before publishing the article. As a result, your website will automatically post the latest blog post without you to be on to press the “Publisher.”

To use this feature, after completing the article, go to the “Document Options” in the upper right corner. Click on the link with “Publish,” and a calendar will appear, allowing you to choose the specific date and time you want the article posted.

How To Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success HolidaysHow To Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success Holidays

When performing this operation, the Publish button will turn into schedule. Clicking this button will put the article in the queue and the website will automatically post the post at the scheduled time.

In addition, you can use plugins such as Editorial Calendar and Coschedule to arrange the post schedule. Both of these tools allow you to schedule easily by pulling – drop and teamwork support if you have many collaborators. Regardless of which tools choose, do not forget to check the posts carefully to ensure the content is complete because you will not be present when they are published.


2/ Schedule for the article

If the set up is automatically operated during the holidays, the traffic volume such as the time is overloaded, which leads to lag, the website is slow. Because on the occasion of the holidays, some parties have services about the website, they often have a discount campaign, sale, incentive program, so most users have saved money to spend on these days. So in this case, you need to prepare carefully to make sure your site works perfectly and limits the website loading time slowly because this is one of the reasons for customers to access, may cause loss of revenue.

3/ Set backup Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success Holidays

The effective way to prevent the attack defense is the backup solution
There are many options including many free plugins that have an automatic backup you, no time -consuming time such as the Updraft Plus plugin

4/ Tighten Up Security Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success Holidays

The most important security is that during the time you holiday and set up the website automatically. The theft of information, security risks are very high.
Therefore, you need to promote and secure the website more closely than ever, hackers know how to take advantage of the time of the festival and the time to stop operating in general to enhance the new attack.

You can also consider increasing the time in this backup, you can easily return to the update version of the rest of your security system error

5/ Check your mobile friendly

Always make sure your site is always friendly with mobile devices. Currently, mobile devices are accounting for more than 50%of the worldwide online access salary in the process of modernizing online shopping today.

Therefore, make sure your website is friendly with mobile devices today it meets WordPress. Unless you find big and small errors, avoid making any changes to the website’s design during the holiday season.

6/ Automatically share on social networks

WordPress can not only set up a blog post schedule, but it can also share automatically on your marketing channels. And WordPress has two plugins that we would like to introduce to you.

Jetpack – is a public mo -dun of the Automatic plugin that allows you to connect the website to social network accounts. When a post you post, you also set up time, schedule and it also automatically appears on social network channels this is too easy.

Revive Social – In addition to the above plugin you can use this plugin to publish old articles on social networks periodically.

Buffer – A plugin that can automate the rest of social marketing for you, the Coschedule plugin has been mentioned above, which can do so.


To Prepare Your WordPress Site For Success Holidays ensure that your WordPress web is developed strongly and smoothly during the holiday season is very important in optimizing performance, enhancing security and creating a great experience for users. By preparing content, strategies, techniques, strong security for you to attract and retain consumers while you are absent. Remember, your WordPress website is ready to explode maximizing interaction, successfully converting in the holiday.

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